  • Problemas e estratégias de enfrentamento no desenvolvimento da indústria de fios de poliéster sob a depressão econômica global Dec 04, 2023
    O fio de poliéster é uma fibra sintética amplamente utilizada nas indústrias têxtil e de manufatura. No entanto, existem alguns gargalos e problemas durante o seu desenvolvimento. Aqui estão alguns possíveis problemas e desafios: 1. Saturação de mercado: O mercado de fios de poliéster já está bastante saturado e o excesso de oferta pode levar a uma concorrência acirrada de preços e ao declínio das margens de lucro. A principal razão para o problema de homogeneização do fio de poliéster é que existe um grande número de produtos similares no mercado e carecem de características únicas de diferenciação. Os fabricantes buscam cegamente o baixo custo e o alto rendimento, ignorando a singularidade e a inovação dos produtos. 2. Impacto ambiental: O processo de produção do fio de poliéster envolve o uso de produtos químicos e o descarte de águas residuais, o que causa impacto negativo ao meio ambiente. À medida que aumenta a consciência ambiental, aumenta também a procura dos consumidores por produtos ecológicos. 3. Qualidade e padrões técnicos: Com o aumento do comércio global, as exigências dos consumidores em termos de qualidade e padrões técnicos também aumentaram. Portanto, os fabricantes de fios de poliéster precisam melhorar continuamente o seu controle de qualidade e capacidades de inovação tecnológica para atender à demanda do mercado. 4. Flutuações no custo da matéria-prima: A principal matéria-prima do fio de poliéster são os chips de poliéster, e suas flutuações de preço podem afetar custos e lucros. Fornecimento instável de matérias-primas ou grandes flutuações de preços podem ter impacto na indústria de fios de poliéster. 5. Concorrentes emergentes: Os fabricantes de fios de poliéster em alguns países de mercados emergentes continuam a crescer, invadindo a quota de mercado tradicional através da produção de baixo custo e da inovação tecnológica. Isto intensificou a concorrência no mercado e os produtores tradicionais precisam de tomar medidas para melhorar a sua competitividade. Para resolver estes problemas e gargalos, a indústria de fios de poliéster pode adotar as seguintes estratégias: 1. Inovação e P&D: Investir continuamente em P&D, melhorar a qualidade e o nível técnico dos produtos para atender à demanda do consumidor por produtos de alta qualidade e desenvolver tecnologias de produção verdes e ecologicamente corretas. 2. Construção de marca: Fortalecer a promoção da marca, estabelecer uma boa imagem e reputação de marca e aumentar o valor agregado dos produtos para resistir à pressão da concorrência de preços. 3. Otimização de recursos e conservação de energia: Reforçar a gestão digital, otimizar os processos de produção, reduzir o consumo de energia, aumentar a eficiência, reduzir as emissões de águas residuais e de gases de escape e responder ativamente às questões de impacto ambiental. 4. Buscar diversificação de mercado: Explorar novas oportunidades de mercado e desenvolver novas áreas de aplicação, como têxteis de alta tecnologia, têxteis médicos, etc., para reduzir a dependência dos mercados tradicionais. 5. Cooperação e alianças: Cooperar com fornecedores, parceiros e associações industriais para compartilhar recursos e informações para responder conjuntamente aos desafios da indústria e melhorar a competitividade geral. 6. Foco no desenvolvimento sustentável: Prestar atenção à proteção ambiental e ao desenvolvimento sustentável, promover a implementação da produção verde e da economia circular e satisfazer a procura dos consumidores por produtos sustentáveis. Em suma, quando as empresas de comércio externo enfrentam dificuldades económicas e de concorrência, precisam de ajustar estratégias de forma flexível, inovar o pensamento, procurar novas oportunidades de desenvolvimento e concentrar-se no marketing, na qualidade e no serviço para melhorar a competitividade global da empresa.
  • Quais são as vantagens e desvantagens do fio de poliéster? Dec 05, 2023
    O fio de poliéster é uma fibra sintética com as seguintes vantagens e desvantagens: vantagem:1. Alta resistência: o fio de poliéster tem maior resistência do que as fibras naturais e tem boa elasticidade e resistência ao desgaste, tornando os têxteis mais duráveis.2. Boa durabilidade: O fio de poliéster tem características de resistência à luz, resistência à corrosão e resistência ao desgaste, não é fácil de deformar e envelhecer e tem uma longa vida útil.3. Anti-pilling: O tecido de poliéster tem superfície lisa, não é fácil de comprimir e não tem medo de mofo.4. Secagem rápida: O fio de poliéster possui baixa higroscopicidade e a umidade acumulada evapora rapidamente, facilitando a secagem do tecido.5. Fácil manutenção: Os têxteis confeccionados com fios de poliéster não requerem cuidados especiais, são laváveis e resistentes ao calor e são fáceis de limpar e manter. deficiência:1. Não respirável: o fio de poliéster é relativamente não respirável e sujeito a entupimento, por isso não é adequado para uso prolongado em ambientes de alta temperatura.2. Geração de eletricidade estática: O fio de poliéster é fácil de acumular eletricidade e gerar facilmente eletricidade estática, causando desconforto ao usuário.3. Baixa higroscopicidade: O fio de poliéster tem baixa higroscopicidade e não pode absorver e liberar umidade tão rapidamente quanto as fibras naturais, o que pode facilmente causar desconforto ao usuário.4. Impacto no meio ambiente: O fio de poliéster é uma fibra sintética. Seu processo produtivo requer grande quantidade de energia e substâncias químicas, além de não ser fácil de degradar, o que causa certo impacto ao meio ambiente. Resumindo, o fio de poliéster tem vantagens em resistência, durabilidade, resistência a rugas, etc., mas apresenta algumas deficiências em respirabilidade, absorção de umidade e respeito ao meio ambiente. No entanto, muitas empresas estão actualmente a melhorar as deficiências dos fios de poliéster através de misturas e processos especiais. Ao utilizar produtos de fio de poliéster, suas vantagens e desvantagens precisam ser consideradas caso a caso para atender às necessidades e preferências.
  • O que é fio 100% poliéster fiado? Dec 06, 2023
    O fio 100% poliéster fiado é um tipo de fio feito inteiramente de fibras descontínuas de poliéster. É uma linha forte e durável, comumente usada em aplicações de costura e costura. O fio de poliéster fiado oferece diversas vantagens, como:   Resistência e durabilidade: A linha fiada de poliéster é conhecida por sua alta resistência à tração, tornando-a adequada para projetos de costura que exigem pontos fortes e duradouros.   Resistência à abrasão: Este tipo de fio é resistente à abrasão, o que significa que pode suportar atrito e desgaste sem quebrar ou desfiar facilmente.   Solidez da cor: A linha fiada de poliéster possui boa firmeza de cor, o que significa que mantém a cor mesmo após exposição ao sol ou lavagem, tornando-a ideal para projetos de costura que exigem retenção de cor a longo prazo.   Resistência à umidade: As fibras de poliéster têm baixa absorção de água, portanto, o fio de poliéster fiado é resistente a danos por umidade e mofo, tornando-o adequado para aplicações externas ou expostas à água.   Econômico: Em comparação com outros tipos de linhas especiais, a linha fiada de poliéster costuma ser mais acessível, o que a torna uma opção econômica para vários projetos de costura.   No entanto, também existem algumas desvantagens potenciais a serem consideradas:   Falta de aparência natural: O fio de poliéster não tem a aparência natural do algodão ou de outras fibras naturais. Algumas pessoas podem preferir a estética das fibras naturais para determinados projetos.   Sensibilidade ao calor: As fibras de poliéster têm um ponto de fusão mais baixo em comparação com algumas outras fibras, portanto, o fio de poliéster fiado pode ser suscetível a danos causados pelo calor se exposto a altas temperaturas durante o engomar ou a prensagem.   No geral, a linha 100% poliéster fiada é uma escolha popular na indústria têxtil devido à sua resistência, durabilidade e preço acessível, tornando-a adequada para uma ampla gama de aplicações de costura.
  • O poliéster é um tipo de fio? Dec 12, 2023
    O poliéster não é um tipo de fio em si, mas sim um tipo de fibra comumente usado para produzir fios. O fio, por outro lado, refere-se a um fio contínuo de fibras que pode ser usado em diversas aplicações têxteis.   O poliéster é uma fibra sintética feita de polímeros derivados do petróleo. É conhecido por sua versatilidade, durabilidade e resistência a rugas, encolhimento e desbotamento. As fibras de poliéster podem ser transformadas em fios por meio de diferentes processos, como fiação de anel, fiação aberta ou fiação a jato de ar.   Uma vez que as fibras de poliéster são transformadas em fios, elas podem ser processadas posteriormente para atingir diferentes qualidades e características. Isso pode envolver processos como texturização, torção e tingimento. A texturização confere volume e textura ao fio, conferindo-lhe um toque mais macio e natural. A torção melhora a resistência e estabilidade do fio, tornando-o adequado para diversas aplicações. O tingimento envolve a aplicação de cor ao fio, permitindo uma ampla gama de opções de cores.   O uso de fios de poliéster tornou-se cada vez mais popular nas últimas décadas devido às suas inúmeras vantagens. Sua acessibilidade, resistência a rugas e propriedades de fácil manutenção tornam-no a escolha preferida tanto para consumidores quanto para fabricantes. O fio de poliéster também oferece versatilidade em termos de desempenho, pois pode ser projetado para atender a requisitos específicos, como controle de umidade, proteção UV ou resistência a chamas.   Em termos de tendências de mercado, a procura por fios de poliéster tem vindo a crescer de forma constante a nível mundial. Isto pode ser atribuído a factores como o crescimento populacional, a urbanização e o aumento dos rendimentos disponíveis, que impulsionam a procura de produtos têxteis e de vestuário. Além disso, os avanços na tecnologia de fabricação de poliéster levaram à produção de fios de poliéster ecológicos de alta qualidade com impacto ambiental reduzido. O mercado de fios de poliéster é influenciado por vários fatores, incluindo tendências da moda, preferências do consumidor e considerações de sustentabilidade. A sustentabilidade emergiu como uma preocupação significativa na indústria têxtil e estão a ser feitos esforços para desenvolver e promover opções sustentáveis de fios de poliéster. Isto inclui a utilização de fibras de poliéster recicladas, que ajudam a reduzir o consumo de recursos e a minimizar o desperdício.   Concluindo, o poliéster não é um tipo de fio em si, mas uma fibra utilizada para produzir fios. O fio de poliéster é conhecido por sua durabilidade, resistência a rugas e propriedades de fácil cuidado. É amplamente utilizado na indústria têxtil para a produção de vestuário, têxteis-lar e têxteis técnicos. A demanda por fios de poliéster tem crescido, impulsionada por fatores como o crescimento populacional e os avanços na tecnologia de fabricação. A sustentabilidade também é uma consideração importante no mercado de fios de poliéster, levando ao desenvolvimento de opções ecológicas.
  • Qual é a diferença entre poliéster e poliéster fiado? Dec 13, 2023
    Poliéster e poli fiado são fibras sintéticas comumente usadas na indústria têxtil. Embora compartilhem semelhanças, existem algumas diferenças importantes entre eles.   O poliéster é uma fibra sintética feita de um polímero chamado tereftalato de polietileno (PET). É produzido através de um processo denominado polimerização, onde o PET é derretido e extrusado em filamentos finos. Esses filamentos são então combinados para criar uma fibra forte e versátil. O poliéster pode ser processado posteriormente para criar diferentes tipos de têxteis, incluindo fios.   O poli fiado, por outro lado, refere-se a fibras de poliéster que foram transformadas em fios. O processo de fiação envolve torcer ou girar as fibras de poliéster juntas para formar um fio contínuo, que é então enrolado em um carretel ou cone. Isso resulta em um fio com aparência macia e texturizada. O poliéster fiado tem um toque mais natural e semelhante ao algodão em comparação com os fios de poliéster tradicionais. Diferenças: Processo de manufatura: O poliéster é produzido por meio de polimerização, enquanto o poliéster fiado é criado por meio da fiação de fibras de poliéster em fios. Textura e aparência: Os fios de poliéster têm uma aparência suave e elegante, enquanto os fios de poliéster fiados têm uma aparência mais texturizada e natural. Sinta e armar: Os fios de poliéster fiados têm um toque mais macio e flexível em comparação com os fios de poliéster normais, que podem parecer mais rígidos. Resistência e durabilidade: Como as fibras de poliéster são frequentemente usadas por sua resistência e durabilidade, os fios fiados de poliéster podem herdar essas qualidades, tornando-os adequados para diferentes aplicações. Formulários: Os fios de poliéster têm uma ampla gama de aplicações, incluindo vestuário, têxteis-lar, tecidos industriais e muito mais. Os fios fiados de poliéster, com sua textura mais macia, são frequentemente usados em roupas, estofados e outros produtos têxteis onde é desejada uma sensação mais suave ao toque.   Em poucas palavras. poliéster é uma fibra sintética enquanto poli fiado refere-se a fibras de poliéster que foram fiadas em fios. A escolha entre fios de poliéster e poliéster fiado depende dos requisitos específicos da aplicação pretendida, incluindo textura, toque, resistência e durabilidade.
  • Recycled polyester yarn is becoming increasingly popular May 23, 2024
    Regenerated GRS (Global Recycled Standard) polyester yarn has huge development potential in the textile industry and can be said to be one of the future trends. The following are several advantages of polyester recycled yarn and the main reasons supporting this trend:   Environmental sustainability: Regenerated GRS polyester yarn is recycled and reused from waste polyester materials, reducing dependence on natural resources and negative impact on the environment. By recycling waste, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced, and the pressure on limited resources can be reduced, in line with today's society's needs for environmental protection and sustainability.   Resource conservation: During the production process of recycled GRS polyester yarn, there is no need to exploit new oil or natural gas resources. Instead, waste polyester fibers are used to make full use of resources and reduce the generation and accumulation of waste. This not only helps reduce environmental pollution but also reduces manufacturing costs.   Quality and performance: Recycled GRS polyester yarn, with appropriate treatment and processing, can achieve the same quality and performance as traditional polyester yarn. It has excellent strength, durability and abrasion resistance to meet various requirements in the textile manufacturing process.   Market demand: Now more and more consumers are paying attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, and the demand for environmentally friendly products is increasing. Recycled GRS polyester yarn meets this market demand and can provide environmental certification and labels to attract more consumer choices.   In summary, recycled GRS polyester yarn is considered to be one of the future trends in the textile industry due to its advantages in environmental sustainability, resource conservation, quality and performance, and market demand. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability, recycled polyester yarn is expected to see wider application in the market.
  • The difference between ring spinning, air spinning, air jet spinning and vortex spinning May 31, 2024
    1.Ring spinning   Ring spinning refers to the process of drawing a fiber strip from a sliver or roving through a ring wire ring. The winding speed of the bobbin is faster than that of the wire ring, and the cotton yarn is twisted into fine yarn. For example, in carded, combed and blended spinning, the wire ring is driven by the bobbin through the yarn strip to rotate around the steel collar for twisting. At the same time, the friction of the steel collar makes its speed slightly lower than that of the bobbin and is wound. Ring spinning is the most widely used and most common spinning method on the market.   2. Open-End spinning: Open-end spinning does not use spindles, but mainly relies on multiple components such as combing rollers, spinning cups, and false twist devices. The combing roller is used to grab and comb the fed cotton sliver fibers. The centrifugal force generated by its high-speed rotation can throw out the grabbed fibers. The rotation speed of the spinning cup (a small metal cup) is more than 10 times higher than that of the combing roller. The resulting centrifugal effect discharges the air in the cup outward; according to the principle of fluid pressure, the cotton fibers enter the airflow cup and form a fiber flow, which moves continuously along the inner wall of the cup. At this time, there is a yarn head outside the cup, which leads the fibers on the inner wall of the cup out and connects them. In addition, the drilling effect generated by the high-speed rotation of the cup with the yarn tail is like "feeding" cotton fibers while adding yarn rubbing to connect the yarn with the fibers on the inner wall of the cup. It is stretched under the winding tension of the yarn tube, and the yarn is continuously output to complete the process of open-end spinning.   Characteristics of open-end spinning Air-jet spinning has the advantages of high speed, large yarn roll, wide adaptability, simple structure and no need for spindles, steel collars or wire rings, which can double the output of fine yarn.   3.Vortex spinning Vortex spinning is a new spinning method that uses a fixed vortex spinning tube to replace the high-speed rotating spinning cup for spinning. In a sense, vortex spinning is the real air-jet spinning. The fiber strips are fed by the cotton feeding roller, opened into single fibers by the licker-in roller, and fed into the vortex tube at high speed from the cotton conveying pipeline by the action of the air flow. The vortex tube consists of a core tube and an outer tube. There are three tangential air inlets on the outer tube, and the lower end is connected to the blower. The blower continuously extracts air from the tube, and the outside air enters the vortex tube along the air inlet, generating a vortex-shaped airflow. When the rotating upward airflow reaches the core tube, it merges with the fibers entering the cotton conveying pipeline, forming a condensed fiber ring along the inner wall of the vortex tube, stably around the axis of the vortex tube, rotating at high speed, and twisting the fibers into yarn. The yarn is continuously drawn out from the yarn guide hole by the lead-out roller and wound into a bobbin.   Advantages of vortex spinning: fast speed and high output   The spinning speed of vortex spinning machine is 100~200m/min, and the practical speed is generally 100~160m/min. Domestically, vortex spinning machine is used to spin 6~12 British yarn, the spinning speed is 100~140m/min, and the single yield is 600~800 (kg/thousand spindles·h), which is equivalent to 4~5 times that of ring yarn; such as spinning 40 public acrylic yarn, using 10 sets (192 heads/set) PF-1 vortex spinning machines, the output reaches 400kg/h. It is equivalent to the output of 20 sets (4000 heads) BD-200 air-spinning machines, and the output of 40 ring spinning machines with 16320 spindles. The output of one vortex spinning head is equivalent to the output of 2.08 air-spinning heads or 8.5 ring spindles. Since vortex spinning relies on vortex twisting, if research and improvement continue, the spinning speed can continue to increase.   Short process flow and high yield   Vortex spinning is to spin fiber strips directly into cone yarn, so like other new spinning methods, it can save the two processes of roving and winding. Since the breakage rate of vortex spinning is very low, the return loss is small, and the yield is as high as more than 99%.   Strong spinning adaptability and suitable for making fleece products   Vortex spinning can spin fibers with a length of 38~60mm, and is suitable for pure and blended yarns of cotton and chemical fibers. The yarn structure is relatively bulky, so its dyeability, slurry absorption and air permeability are relatively good, and the yarn's anti-pilling and wear resistance are also relatively good. The yarn count range is limited to medium and low count yarns, which are suitable for making fleece products. For example, 38mm long chemical fibers (acrylic, chloroprene, viscose, etc.) are spun into 6~12 count yarns, which are woven into fleece clothes, fleece pants, scarves, cushions, sofa fabrics, furniture fabrics and small tablecloths and other knitted fleece products.   Simple operation and convenient jointing   Vortex spinning uses vortex tubes to form yarn. Since the vortex tube is stationary and has no high-speed rotating parts, the joint is very convenient and simple. There is no need to clean after the end is broken, which improves the working environment. There are no special requirements for the pre-spinning equipment and temperature and humidity. Since vortex spinning has no high-speed rotating parts, there is no problem of high-speed bearing lubrication, less wear and tear, low noise, and easy maintenance.   Production practice shows that there are also some limiting factors in the development of vortex spinning.   a. The range of raw materials suitable for vortex spinning is limited to short chemical fibers and medium and long fibers. Due to the quality of the yarn, its competitiveness in the field of fine yarn is not strong.   b. The yarn structure of vortex spinning is relatively loose, and the long segment has good uniformity, but the strength is low and unstable, which limits its development into the field of fine yarn.   c. Although vortex spinning uses air vortex to replace the rotor of air spinning, it overcomes the wear problem and excessive bearing load caused by the high-speed rotation of the rotor of air spinning, but it still cannot solve the problem of yarn arms formed by the free-end yarn tail when it rotates at high speed in the vortex tube, which leads to greater centrifugal force and tension. Therefore, its spinning speed cannot make a breakthrough.   d. Due to the poor fiber straightness and the short coagulation process, the yarn structure of vortex spinning is loose and the yarn strength is low. Therefore, its products are also limited. It is only suitable for chemical fiber raw materials and spinning of coarse knitting yarn or thick pile yarn, which do not require high strength, or spinning core-spun yarn with filament as the yarn core. Despite this, vortex spinning, which also feeds cotton strips to directly form yarn, has the conditions and possibility to realize the production of fully automated continuous production lines. Since the roving frame, spinning frame and automatic winding machine are eliminated, the floor space, labor and investment are reduced, so it has its unique advantages and will further replace ring yarn and air-spun yarn in the field of knitting yarn. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research and improvement to overcome its disadvantages and limitations and make it a new type of spinning method with unique characteristics.     3.Air-jet spinning Air-jet spinning is a new spinning method that uses high-speed rotating airflow to twist the yarn into yarn. Air-jet spinning uses cotton sliver feeding, four-roller double short rubber ring super-large drafting, and twisting into yarn through a fixed nozzle. After the yarn is drawn out, it is wound onto the yarn tube through a yarn clearer and directly wound into a package yarn. Due to the special spinning mechanism of air-jet spinning, the structure and performance of air-jet yarn are significantly different from those of ring yarn, and its products have a unique style.   Characteristics of air-jet spinning and its products:   a. High spinning speed. Air-jet spinning uses air twisting and no high-speed rotating parts (such as steel wire rings in ring spinning), which realizes high-speed spinning. The spinning speed can reach 120-300 meters/minute, and the output per head is equivalent to 10-15 times that of ring spinning per spindle.   b. Short process flow. Air-jet spinning has two fewer processes, roving and package, than ring spinning, saving about 30% of plant area. Compared with ring spinning, 90 workers are needed for 10,000 spindles, which is about 60% less. The machine material consumption is about 30% lower than that of ring spinning, and the maintenance cost and maintenance workload are also reduced.   c. Good product quality and unique. The comprehensive evaluation of the quality of air-jet yarn is good. Except that the yarn strength is 5-20% lower than that of ring spinning, other quality indicators are better than those of ring spinning. The physical properties of air-jet yarn, such as CV value of yarn evenness, coarse and fine details and yarn defects, are better than those of ring yarn. The hairiness above 3mm is less than that of ring yarn. Although the yarn strength is lower, the strength unevenness is lower than that of ring yarn. It is suitable for weaving of new looms such as rapier looms and air-jet looms, and can increase the production efficiency of looms by more than 2%.   In addition to being similar to ring yarn, the quality of air-jet spinning is also unique. The friction coefficient of air-jet yarn is large, the yarn is directional, and its friction performance is also directional. The wear resistance is better than that of ring yarn, but the hand feel is harder.   By adding some devices to jet spinning, some special yarns can be developed, such as fancy yarn, core-spun yarn, mixed yarn, etc.   d. Wide variety of applications. Jet yarn can be used to make both knitted products and woven products, and has a wide variety of applications. The more common applications include: knitted T-shirt products, with a smooth and plump surface, no skew, few stripes, few stripe defects, anti-pilling, cool and breathable, and a strong three-dimensional sense; bedding, using the characteristics of good and stiff stripes of jet yarn, can obtain a smooth surface, thick feel, crisp and good breathability; leisure products, such as: double-sided leisure wear, sportswear, etc.     Based on the characteristics of jet yarn, unique style products can also be developed. For example, by using the stiffness and roughness of jet fabrics, they can be processed into imitation linen fabrics, crepe fabrics, imitation wool products, etc.
  • What is compact spinning, Siro spinning, compact Siro spinning? Jun 06, 2024
    Compact Spinning: Compact spinning is a new spinning technology that is carried out on an improved new ring spinning frame. Its spinning mechanism is mainly: a fiber cohesion zone is added in front of the traction device of the ring spinning frame, which basically eliminates the spinning twisting triangle between the front roller and the twisting point. After the fiber whiskers are output from the front mouth of the front roller, they first pass through the mesh leather ring on the outer jacket of the special-shaped suction tube. The whiskers move on the mesh leather ring. Due to the contraction and polymerization of the airflow, the whiskers are gathered and rotated through the suction groove of the special-shaped tube, gradually turning from a flat belt to a cylinder. The ends of the fibers are twisted into the yarn, so the yarn is very compact, the yarn appearance is smooth, and the hairiness is less. Compact spinning yarn has higher strength and less hairiness. It is least likely to produce abrasion during the weaving process. Advantages of compact spinning: the yarn has very little hairiness, especially hairiness above 3mm, which also improves the efficiency of the subsequent loom and the smoothness of the fabric; the yarns have strong cohesion and high strength; the yarns are uneven, and the coarseness and fineness indicators are better than traditional yarns. However, the cost of compact spinning equipment is high, which increases the equipment investment of the spinning mill, and except for the great improvement in the hairiness index, the improvement of other yarn indicators such as yarn, coarseness, and fineness is not large.   Siro Spinning: Siro spinning is to use double roving feeding on the spinning frame, and two roving strands parallel to each other and maintained at a certain distance are stretched by rollers in the spinning drafting area, and two small triangles are formed at the front roller jaws, and then they are gathered together and twisted into a yarn strip. Due to the transmission effect of twist, a small amount of twist is added to the single strand before the two strands are twisted together, so the twisted yarn has a different style from the general single yarn. Advantages of siro spinning: The fibers on the surface of siro spinning are neatly arranged, the yarn structure is compact, the hairiness is less, and the pilling resistance is good. Compared with ply yarn fabrics, siro-woven fabrics feel softer and smoother. Siro spinning can be used for woven fabrics and knitted fabrics, and can also replace ply yarn for high-count and high-density fabrics.   Siro Compact Spinning: Two rovings are fed into the same drafting mechanism of the ring spinning machine through the double bell mouth at a certain interval, and are drafted at the same time in a parallel state. After coming out of the clamping point of the front roller, they enter the pneumatic gathering area. The surface of the special-shaped tube with double grooves and negative pressure inside each spinning part is covered with a mesh ring, which is driven by the friction of the output roller. The two strands of fiber outputted by the front roller are adsorbed on the position corresponding to the double grooves on the surface of the mesh ring by negative pressure. The strands of fiber move forward with the mesh ring while being controlled by the gathering and output by the output jaws. The two bundles of fiber after gathering have a relatively compact structure. After slight initial twisting, they are combined at the combination point, and then twisted again and curled onto the yarn tube to become a compact twine yarn with a similar structure to a strand. Advantages of compact siro spinning:Compact siro spinning is a combined spinning method that combines compact spinning and siro spinning. The yarn spun by this technology combines the excellent characteristics and quality of the two spinning methods. Compared with traditional ring spinning single yarn and siro yarn, compact siro yarn has less hairiness, higher strength, and more siro spinning plying effect. The hairiness is greatly reduced during compact siro spinning, especially the hairiness above three millimeters, which is reduced by 70%. It is an ideal raw material for spinning high-end fabrics and has good development prospects.  
  • Future Development Directions of the Textile Industry: Fashion, Sustainability and Digital Innovation Jun 13, 2024
    The textile industry has always been an important part of the global economy. With the progress of society and the evolution of consumer demand, the textile industry is also constantly developing and changing. In the future, the textile industry will face many opportunities and challenges, but three key directions will lead its development: fashion, sustainability and digital innovation. This article will explore these directions and analyze their importance and potential impact in the textile industry.   Fashion leads the trend: Fashion has always been one of the core driving forces of the textile industry. Consumers' constant pursuit of fashion and personalized needs have become important factors in stimulating market growth. In the future, the textile industry will pay more attention to creative design, material innovation and technological application to meet consumers' demand for novel, unique and customizable fashion products. At the same time, the rise of social media and e-commerce will accelerate the spread and influence of fashion trends, providing textile companies with greater market opportunities.   Sustainability drives change: With the increasing severity of environmental problems, sustainability has become a global focus. As an industry with large resource consumption and environmental impact, the textile industry faces an urgent need to promote sustainable development. In the future, textile companies need to take a series of measures, including using renewable and recyclable materials, improving production processes to reduce carbon emissions and waste generation, and paying attention to labor conditions and social responsibility. Consumer demand for sustainable products continues to grow, and sustainability will become an important competitive advantage for the development of the textile industry.   Digital innovation drives transformation: The rapid development of digital technology has brought a huge impact on the textile industry. From supply chain management to production process optimization, from sales channel expansion to consumer experience enhancement, digital innovation is redefining the way the textile industry operates. In the future, textile companies will rely more on technologies such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to improve production efficiency, optimize resource utilization and achieve personalized customization. At the same time, the application of virtual reality and augmented reality technology will change consumers' shopping experience and further promote the digital transformation of the textile industry.   In the future, the textile industry will closely develop around three directions: fashion, sustainability and digital innovation. By creating fashion trends, focusing on sustainable development and promoting digital transformation, textile companies will be able to adapt to changes in market demand and gain competitive advantages. Attaching importance to innovation, following up on consumer needs, paying attention to sustainability and actively applying digital technology will be the key elements for the textile industry to achieve sustainable development and long-term success.
  • What is Tencel Modal yarn ? Nov 01, 2024
    Tencel Modal yarn is a type of yarn made from modal fiber that has many unique benefits. Here are some of the main benefits of Tencel Modal yarn:   Comfort: Tencel Modal yarn has excellent softness and a silky feel. It is very comfortable and has good moisture absorption, which helps regulate body temperature and keep the skin dry.   Environmental friendliness: Tencel Modal yarn uses modal fiber, which is a fiber produced from renewable natural cellulose materials. Modal fiber comes from wood pulp, usually from sustainable forests. The solvents used in its production process are also environmentally friendly, so Tencel Modal yarn is considered an environmentally friendly fiber choice.   Good color retention: Tencel Modal yarn has good dyeing properties and can achieve bright and long-lasting colors. It can easily accept different types of dyes, and the dyed colors are bright and long-lasting.   Good breathability: Tencel Modal yarn has good breathability, which can help air circulation, making people wearing textiles feel more refreshed and comfortable.   Wrinkle resistance: Modal fibers have high elasticity and wrinkle resistance. Therefore, textiles made from Lenzing Modal yarn have fewer wrinkles and are easier to maintain a flat and neat appearance.   Strength and durability: Lenzing Modal yarn is made from Modal fibers, whose fibers have high strength and durability. This allows textiles to withstand daily use and washing, maintaining long-term quality and appearance.   Lenzing Modal yarn is widely used in the textile industry due to its excellent comfort, environmental protection and other unique advantages. It is often used to make high-quality clothing, bedding, home textiles and underwear. However, as with any yarn selection, understanding its applicable uses, characteristics and washing methods is the key to ensure the best effect.
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